Siddhas say…

The below passage beautifully explains who is really rich, how and why?

“Master, you are wonderful!” A student, taking his leave, gazed
ardently at the patriarchal sage. “You have renounced riches and
comforts to seek God and teach us wisdom!” It was well-known that
Bhaduri Mahasaya had forsaken great family wealth in his early
childhood, when single-mindedly he entered the yogic path.
“You are reversing the case!” The saint’s face held a mild rebuke. “I
have left a few paltry rupees, a few petty pleasures, for a cosmic
empire of endless bliss. How then have I denied myself anything? I
know the joy of sharing the treasure. Is that a sacrifice? The
shortsighted worldly folk are verily the real renunciates! They
relinquish an unparalleled divine possession for a poor handful of
earthly toys!”
I chuckled over this paradoxical view of renunciation-one which puts
the cap of Croesus on any saintly beggar, whilst transforming all
proud millionaires into unconscious martyrs.

– Autobiography of a Yogi

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