Connecting Nokia Phone via Virtualbox running Windows 7 guest

As you know(See Quick Updates), I have installed Windows 7 in my Virtualbox on my Chakra ArchLinux box. I did this because I did not want to reboot my machine just to install stuff on mobile or to do some Windows specific stuff. Of course Wine is an option but not for complex stuff like running Nokia PC Suite or say running iTunes or maybe some more complex stuff requiring windows kernel drivers etc. So the best alternative I had was to install Win7 on my Virtualbox setup. Here is the teaser screenshot first 🙂

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Year 2012 effects have started…

As mentioned by various Siddhas including Babaji the effects of Year 2012 have started to take place. The imminent shakeout has been happening since year 2004 when the Indonesia Tsunami took place where by killing nearly 230,000 people in fourteen countries esp the coastal regions or Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Actually since Year 2000.

As Babaji has mentioned frequently in his Shivirs that this was going to start in Year 2000 but the Siddha’s out of compassion wanted to give more time to people who were drenched in the unreal, false ego and materialism and wanted to raise their consciousness. Earth had already started to move into the darker regions of the Universe but the Holy Siddhas formed the Divine SriChakra all over the earth incl. in the Astral planes focusing strong Positive energy generated by the Sri Chakra and thus brought the earth back from total devastation thereby delaying the inevitable.

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Siddhas say…

The process/act of Self Realization is actually the process of acquiring the knowledge(Realization of) that you are the Self. There is no new Self that is obtained as you are already that. Thus it is called jnana(knowledge). – Raman Maharishi

Shivyog Healing-An Insight by a Shivyog Sadhak

This is posted on shivyog_healing healing group. Thought it will be helpful to all of us.

!! Namah Shivay !!

Dear ShivYog Sadhaks and all the people having faith in Shivyog Healing and having faith in Param Pujya Babaji and Guruma today I would like to share a very divine experience with the intention of making your faith more strong in ShivYog Healing.

After deciding a lot, the decision was made to share this divine experience with you all which will surely help people in having a powerful faith in ShivYog healing.

Till now we have always sent healing requests to this Divine group and many have got benefited from this Nishkam Seva done by Hundreds of Sadhaks on this group. But we have never known how healing works and How Pujya Babaji and the Divine Beings help Humanity by Healing the people.

Most of us have seen Bhagwati Sanjeevani Maa from the Krilian Photography snaps uploaded on this groups Photo section. But please read the following with full devotion and Faith.

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