In Conversation with Babaji

Namah Shivay,

From the Master has posted an excellent 6 part Videos of Babaji explaining various aspects about Shivyog Sadhanas like Sri Vidya, Durga Shaptashati, Healing, dos and donts for a Shivyogi. Some of the questions which Babaji has lovingly answered are as follows:

  • Should Durga Saptashati should be done with aggression.
  • Guidelines for a Shree Vidhya sadhak
  • How one creates same vibes of shivirs in daily life.
  • What if one goes into “deep sleep” during sadhana.
  • Can Durga Saptashati be heard on an ipod while travelling.
  • Can Durga Saptashati Sadhana be done in groups.
  • Can Durga Saptashati be recited with uninitiated family members.
  • Why Babaji prohibits doing Advait Shree Vidhya sadhana in groups.
  • Whether initiation (deeksha) is required for Durga Saptashati Sadhana.
  • Every shivir sadhana is different. Which one to be followed?
  • Can one who wandered off the path get back on track?
  • Babaji’s view about the web communications with sadhaks.
  • About sadhana at divine places and Jeeva Samadhis.
  • Any other sadhana other than Advait Shree Vidhya?
  • Can Durga Saptashati be recited in areas of negativity.
  • What happens in the places where Durga Saptashati is recited.
  • Why Durga Saptashati/Shree Vidhya sadhana were kept in secret.
  • In case of mispronounciation during recitation of Durga Saptashati.
  • On people from India and abroad practicing Advait Shree Vidhya.
  • How the sadhana of Advait Shree Vidhya helps one in life.

The Videos as follows:

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Important Message from Babaji for all Shivyog Sadhaks

                Babaji is going to be in His deep sadhana in seclusion, which is for the benefit and deep healing of all Shiv Yog sadhaks. As Babaji said, this would be the best time to learn to connect with Him subtly rather than physical because this is what he essentially wants to teach every sadhak to do in this great period of ascension. Babaji has been working hard for the past two years for human upliftment and now He wishes to assist those wishing to ascend in the subtler dimensions. Babaji will be praying for very deep healing of all sadhaks but wishes that all now begin practicing now in depth the basics of Shiv Yog teachings that has been the foundation of all His shivirs. This is a great move and a great opportunity for sadhaks who are moving on the path of Shiv Yog.
Edit: Namah shivay it was posted in the columns of this page at the start of the year 2012 that it is going to be the “year of consequence”. An eponymous video shedding light on the same was uploaded too. Baba ji has today in the message posted on the official blog and which is also posted below, finally declared just that with unequivocal vehemence. He has stated that that the time has come for Him to recede into seclusion. He has also announced the cancellation of shivirs which He was supposed to take in the near future. Thus, until early next year Baba ji will be retreating into deep meditation so that we all can avail of the ascension period of December 2012. It doesnt matter what deeksha has been given to you. What matters is you doing it regularly. Guru kripa will be maximum in this period. Baba ji has assetrted that there will be maximum divinity and maximum inclination to evil during this time. The need of the hour now is to regularly do Sadhna, Sewa and Sankirtan. Its the chance to clear all your sanchit karmas forever. Just that nature is posing big questions before you: Are you ready to forgive everyone who has hurt you ? Are you ready to unconditionally love and accept everyone ? Are you ready to meditate daily ? If the answers to these questions is yes, then you are entering the Kingdom of God post 2012. More analysis of Baba ji’s message to follow soon. Blessings.
Namah Shivay

New Year message to all from Ishan Shivanandji on behalf of Babaji


With love  

The whole universe is made up of energy. Science says that everything can be broken down to the smallest unit of matter which is an atom or the sub atomic particles to be precise. You and I, we are the same; well at least quantitatively.

The infinite energy of the universe

But then the question that if everything is energy, What gives form to that energy? Who decides that this should be gold, or that should become, a mountain? Scientists say that at the dawn of time i.e. when Earth was being formed, the volcanoes and earthquake rocking the surface, the incipience of life was a freak accident, a remarkable coincidence, when certain materials, at a certain specific time combined, life was formed. Then evolution took over and now just beings and incidents are leading to other transformations. Hence the continuity.

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Year 2012 effects have started…

As mentioned by various Siddhas including Babaji the effects of Year 2012 have started to take place. The imminent shakeout has been happening since year 2004 when the Indonesia Tsunami took place where by killing nearly 230,000 people in fourteen countries esp the coastal regions or Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Actually since Year 2000.

As Babaji has mentioned frequently in his Shivirs that this was going to start in Year 2000 but the Siddha’s out of compassion wanted to give more time to people who were drenched in the unreal, false ego and materialism and wanted to raise their consciousness. Earth had already started to move into the darker regions of the Universe but the Holy Siddhas formed the Divine SriChakra all over the earth incl. in the Astral planes focusing strong Positive energy generated by the Sri Chakra and thus brought the earth back from total devastation thereby delaying the inevitable.

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Year 2012 is coming…

Yes we all know that for certain, but this is also the name of an upcoming movie on Year 2012 phenomenon. People are expecting something grave to happen on 21st December 2012. But what exactly is going to happen? 3rd World war, Polar Reversal,Earthquakes, Volcanos erupting in cities, Tsunami, Epidemic never seen before or may be all of these together!.

Well this is what directors/producers of the upcoming movie 2012 has tried to project via their movie on the subject. Lets start with some movie trailor captures.

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